Turtle Island: The Zombie Affair

Free adventure or whatever? This is my prep for the first two proper sessions of Turtle Island (S1, S2).

There's only one statistic of note: that Bokor is a "champion". In my house rules, this means he is a figure who by himself is of medium difficulty in combat (a mini-boss, so to speak). That might make him equivalent to an ogre or troll? Idk.


These are the bare bones of the adventure site; it wasn’t until after the first session that I expanded upon the site’s story based on what seemed interesting.

  • Entrance → Crop Fields, Big House

  • Crop Fields → Entrance, Slave Quarters, Driver’s Home, Engines

    • 3 farms: sugar, cotton, cacao.
    • Actively being worked by 150 enslaved zombies, who go to “sleep” at night.
    • No overseer to be found.
  • Slave Quarters → Crop Fields, Provisions Gardens, Big House

    • Not been lived in for quite some time.
    • Some mementos of the once-living:
      • Amulet of birth control (treasure).
      • Bible overwritten with cultic depictions.
      • Clan totem, a long-necked leopard.
      • Contraband spices (treasure).
      • Forbidden writing tablets.
      • Swaddling cloth.
    • At night, the zombies awkwardly lay on straw with open eyes.
  • Provisions Gardens → Slave Quarters

    • 3 farms: beans, green pigs, tubers.
    • Ready to harvest, but no takers. Somewhat overgrown.
    • 1 unit of each crop—not worth much, but someone’s trash is another’s treasure.
  • Driver’s House → Crop Fields, Big House, Slave Quarters

    • Locked door. 1/3 chance that Bokor (as champion) is present.
      • Last orc remaining (sort of) on the plantation, who serves as driver and slave priest.
      • The zombies are not necessarily ‘dead’—just at the brink of death, sustained by fungal growths.
      • Felt bad for his treatment of his fellow slaves, but also sort of likes the benefits of being a driver.
      • Refuses to turn them back if asked.
    • Relatively nicer than the regular slave quarters.
    • Blood-stained idol on an altar (treasure: reanimation spell).
      • Altar to Alawo, the loa of growth.
      • Her favorite food is pork and beans.
    • Barrel of rum, with regards from the master (treasure).
    • Goblet drums used during religious processions.
  • Engines → Crop Fields, Storehouse

    • Sugar mill, cotton gin, and cacao bean roasters.
    • Also actively being worked by zombie slaves and zombie mules during the day.
  • Storehouse → Engines

    • Stores products: 2 sugar, 2 rum, 3 cotton, 5 cocoa (each unit is treasure).
  • Big House → Entrance, Chapel, Kitchen, Cemetery, Stable

    • Elf family lives here, along with domestic zombies.
    • Other possible outgrowths: blacksmith, washhouse.
  • Chapel → Big House

    • Family shrine to the Snow White Queen.
    • 1/3 chance that an elf girl and her mother are here reading. They will alert the master against intruders, but are unaware unless disturbed.
      • Melanie: Young girl, very trusting (or gullible). Learning how to read, and gives lessons in turn to an enslaved orc girl in exchange for fried tubers. Wonders what happened to her ‘friend’ Kanisha.
      • Tiffany: Mistress of the plantation. Perturbed by the whole zombie business; would like things to be ‘normal’. Shelters Melanie from the situation by literally keeping her within the Big House or Chapel.
    • Three icons: the Snow White Queen’s calling by the Angel of Qesem, her crusade against darkness, and her eternal slumber as seven hooded figures watch over her.
    • A gold candelabra (treasure) and some holy water (treasure: health potion).
  • Kitchen → Big House

    • Imported ingredients.
    • 2/3 chance that Samara is here.
      • Slave chef turned zombie.
      • Mother of Kanisha. Sad, empty eyes.
      • Currently preparing a green pig.
    • 1 bottle of sparkling wine (treasure) from the Josh region of Elfland.
  • Cemetery → Big House

    • Elf master’s immediate ancestors.
    • Maybe the mausoleum has a little treasure as a treat.
  • Stable → Big House

    • The horses and mules are also zombies. You might as well, right?
    • A carriage for the family and a wagon for goods.


  • Tiffany and Bokor are having an affair, and Melanie is their child.
  • Bokor zombified the slaves to placate and threaten the master.
  • Melanie is usually inside and carries a parasol outside to avoid turning green.
  • After an initial scope-out, Bokor will reprogram the zombies to alert of intruders and attempt to hold onto them until he arrives.
  • Is Kanisha the half-sister of Melanie? Too coincidental?


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