Turtle Island: Session 1

The official “first”, i.e. non-introductory, session of Turtle Island! Unfortunately, Makandal (played by Ènziramire) couldn’t make it this time, but Xen joined us for the first time! Our roster, with participants this session in bold:

  • Nicole: Elf arrested for bodysnatching, now a knife-hoarding edgelord; 4 (+2) experience.
  • Nolan: Orc stand-user raised by elves, arrested on accusations of spying; 4 (+2) experience.
  • Makandal: Orc maroon and voudonist ratted out while carrying out a raid; 2 experience.
  • Queen-sama: Elf prostitute, arrested after being caught by a client’s wife; 4 (+2) experience.
  • Xen: Amnesiac dwarf magician following strange dreams to the land of Flo’Rida; 2 (+2) experience.

This is going to be a quick and dirty session summary, more for our use. Blog's just convenient!

The crew was contracted by Captain Polly, an orc pirate and revolutionary, to raid a plantation on the island of Xamaka to connect the eastern maroon territory with the sea. They encountered orc revolutionaries and terran pirates en route, the latter of whom simply mocked the crew for their pathetic raft. They land on a beach where they hide their dinghie behind a rock and go across the seaside highway to rest for the night in the tropical foliage.

In the morning, the party ambushes a patroller caravan. Queen-sama shoots the driver with a slingshot, hitting him in the head. Nolan kills two at the front with a special stand power, while Nicole and Queen-sama front-and-backstab the one in the back. Xen scares the driver into passing out. They take the wagon and tie up the surviving patroller. Queen-sama and Xen take turns seducing him (a repressed bisexual) into giving instructions for where to find the plantation; he also mentions there being zombies.

At the plantation, Nicole and Nolan go to the big house and pretend to be a patroller returning a fugitive slave. After Nicole gets paid and the planter, confused, starts to walk Nolan back to the plantation (specifically, to the overseer to figure out what happened), she backstabs him but he lives and screams. Nolan with his stand shoots and finally kills him. He takes his clothes, having lost his nice clothes to Captain Polly in exchange for the dinghie, and they dump his naked body in the bushes.

Queen-sama and Xen with the patroller hostage go to the crop fields, expecting to use him as bait. They find instead that the slaves-turned-zombies like clockwork are entirely caught up in cultivating crops. They run off to the processing building which Queen-sama lights on fire using magic, inadvertently trapping the zombie-slaves while they are endlessly working.

Nicole helps Nolan pick the lock on the back of the big house and then goes off to the cemetery where she finds a mausoleum of the master’s father (also finding some golden candles inside). Nolan goes inside the big house, finds the slave staircase, and sneaks into the master’s private office. He can only find records of the slaves on the plantation but chooses to destroy them—effectively freeing them without the family having proof of ownership.

Queen-sama and Xen work together to destroy the different machines being worked by the zombie-slaves, to make it impossible for them to do their job so they go home (really smart!). They leave the patroller in the burning building, and meet their crewmates in the kitchen. There they find a zombie-slave chef woman, preparing a turkey for dinner with numb eyes, and a bottle of wine from the Josh region of Elfland. The group returns to their dinghie and sails back to Turtle Island.


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