Fashion Dreamer: An Informal Review

I’m not a gamer. I had friends in high school that were, and sometimes I would play with them, but I’m not very literate about video games in general. Minecraft is fun! Pokémon is cute. I like Story of Seasons and Rune Factory. That last one was got me in a bit of a bind. My partner watches video game streamers to sleep, so when we sleep together she’ll ask me to play something for her. So one night, I was playing Rune Factory 3, and it fundamentally bothered her that all the characters I was shrieking about looked just like Precious Moments figurines.

Actually embarrassing. There is really no difference.

So she gave me $20 for me to buy another game we were looking at, but was sort of expensive ($50) for what it was: Fashion Dreamer, more a toy than a game, where you dress up digital avatars belonging to yourself or to other players. You acquire new items just by “liking” them on the game’s social network, and any item you use to dress up someone’s avatar can be liked and used by that player. You can even create clothes under your own brand, and spread that brand by dressing other people with your custom clothing items. It’s so fun!!

The dressing screen!

That’s about as deep as the game goes, but that’s really all I want or need. It’s so fun to give people outfits you think they’d enjoy, and it makes me so happy when other players make outfits for my own avatar. Right now, my avatar’s preferences are set to “purple”, “cute”, and “pants”—since it seems like there’s an overabundance of skirts and not enough jeans or leggings or shorts. Other players have dressed my avatar so cute! It makes me so happy. Thinking I’ll want to change “pants” to “dresses” just so I get more with which to dress other avatars.

Our outdated avatars, with my preferences before I knew what I was doing.

So it’s not really worth $50, but it’s totally worth like $20 to $30 if you find it on sale or split with a friend. It’s so delightful and cute!


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