Roople the Dragon Queen

I think RuPaul is fucking hilarious, sue me about it. My brain can't resist the punny potential between drag and dragon, especially when villain characters are so often played out to be extremely gay and campy (because gay people are evil, of course!). The more I thought about it, the more I got really into it. So, without further ado.

See the FIVEY monster rules if you need help interpreting the stat block! Though it's pretty bog-standard.

Roople, Dragon Queen (Boss; HD 16, DC 20, GA +5, MV 8/16)

A draaagon queeen? I am the QUEEN OF DRAGONS! Now, sashay... away.

Roople, about to annihilate a disrespectful bard.

Roople is an ancient dragon with prismatic scales and a silver tongue. She finds beauty in things that reflect her image, and her lair is (in her eyes) the most beautiful thing of all. She hoards fine dinnerware and sculptures made of glass, and the very walls of her lair were carved out from the inside of a ginormous amethyst geode. Many people fear Roople for her ravenous thirst for all that shines, and refer to her lair by euphemism as the Home of Phobia.

She can spend combat actions (◆) to do the following:

  • Bite (◆): Attack a single opponent and deal 1d12 piercing damage on a hit.
  • Claw (): Make two attacks and deal 1d6 slashing damage on each hit.
  • Prism Breath (◆◆): A beam of color-tinted light shoots out from Roople's mouth up to 12 paces away, dealing 1d12 ethereal damage to all who fail a dexterity check (DC 15) or half if they succeed. The beam will pierce through most materials but reflect off of mirrored surfaces, such as shining armor.

Once per round when an opponent misses her on an attack, Roople's slay-read power allows her to insult the would-be attacker and deal 1d6 psychic damage if the attacker fails a charisma check (DC 15).


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