
What is there to say about a nekoblin (D4, A1)? They're extremely little. And stupid. They love to scream and shout. They have a ravenous hunger but are too helpless to do anything about it themselves. Nekoblins are the perfect minions to throw at a problem over and over again until it goes away.

The best part is that for as feisty as they are, no one really wants to hurt them. They're just cute and silly and stupid. What are you going to do about it?

Should you find yourself dealing with a nekoblin, you won't have too hard a time: they're food-motivated and easily distracted. It's much worse when you have to wrangle a bunch of them together, in which case they're going to keep each other distracted and make you frustrated.

When a nekoblin pounces at a target as far away as their maximum movement, they add their maximum grit to damage dealt. I guess I need movement rates now. Ummm 4? Like 4 squares? Their full statblock is (D4, A1, M4) now. DAM!


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