FMC Appendix B: Optional Rules

I wanted Fantastic Medieval Campaigns to serve, first and foremost, as a reference for the original 1974 ruleset that is easier to browse and parse. For me, the original booklets are just kind of an eyesore and an organizational disaster, so I wanted to have something nicer to read.

That being said, it may be more interesting if the book had more going on. I would not want to modify the three main chapters and the first appendix, but I think there is room to show how the original ruleset expanded and transformed over time (both as a text and how people have practically used it). So I've written Appendix B: Optional Rules, for which you can find a preview on Google Drive.

From Supplement I, I've included:

  • Ability modifiers: For combat rolls, opening doors, knowing spells.
  • Super strength (percentile): Additional strength benefits for fighters.
  • The thief class: Based on the pre-Greyhawk version, with original hit dice.
  • Variable damage: By weapon.
  • Variable hit die sizes: By class.

From Supplement II, I've included:

  • Disease and epidemic rules: It just reminded me of my partner, who's in the med field.
  • Hit locations chart: Now with easier-to-grok math.

Finally, I've also included:

My expectation is that people who use Fantastic Medieval Campaigns to play according to the 1974 rules will not have any barriers to doing so, or any confusion about what is or is not "original". All this stuff is in an appendix anyway, hidden in the back of the book with no bearing on the first 200-ish pages.

There is even a chance that some of the optional rules will go completely unused, like the hit locations rules. But my goal with this fits with the larger goal of FMC which is not to present a system in stasis, but a constantly changing set of rules that are by their nature incomplete and incohesive.

This is actually a part of the book where I comment on how this or that option changes, to some extent, the logic of the game. What does the introduction of ability modifiers mean for individual characters? How does the introduction of the thief change the way in which we view character classes? What does it mean for FMC to be a literal tabletop game?

I hope that seeing these options expands people's view of what it means to play this Theseus' ship of a game, or maybe what it means to play a "game" in general. I also hope it helps people feel comfortable treating the ruleset as their own, not as something that sprung out fully formed in 1974.

By the way, about prints: of course, it's going to take a bit longer as I proofread and refine this section. I've also decided, based on the poll, that both the softcover and hardcover versions available on Lulu will use standard ink and paper because of how stupidly expensive premium ink and paper are. But as I said, I am also going to share the Lulu components so you can go there and buy a premium version if you'd prefer. I'll also make a tutorial walking through Lulu since I think it will be helpful for others to know how to use it as a (relatively) easy and affordable solution for printing on demand.

One more thing! I’ve just posted a review of warren game and setting Frontier Scum over on Bones of Contention. Hope y’all find it interesting!


  1. Excelent! I find your approach to place the additional rules/interpretations as appendix something that should be an example for every "retroclone" out there. Sometimes it's really hard to parse what is like the original and what was added by the author

    1. thank you! :) on one hand it's nice to delineate for pure play reasons, but i also think showing the difference/evolution of things is interesting

  2. Looks great, I love how FMC is shaping up!
    One small questions about the thief do they also get the saving throws of a cleric? I'll admit that I can't recall the OG pre-greyhawk version of them.

    1. thank you so much :) also nice catch! it looks like saves aren't mentioned in the document, but i think they get the same saves as clerics in greyhawk anyway? it's a fair extrapolation!


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