Night Tripper World Generator

This is a random generator for interstellar worlds from Chris P.'s Night Tripper (link).

World 2365

This world is under constant meteor barrage. Millions of people live here, ruled by a totalitarian inherited nobility. They are capable of producing imperial interstellar-level technology, harnessing the power of antimatter.

World Survey
Habitability Hostile (2/6)
Population ~1,000,000 (3/6)
 Distribution On one continent
World Authority Totalitarian (6/6)
 Legal System Constant surveillance
 Government Military Dictatorship
Technology Imperial Interstellar (5/6)
 Energy Source Antimatter
 Weaponry Energy cannons
 Other Inventions Artificial gravity
Faster-than-light travel
Gate cores

World Economy
Organic Goods (-) Blue milk (19 cr)
Cultural Goods Starship model kits (5 cr)
Tech Goods (+) Power converts (4 cr)
Contraband (-) Joltleaf powder (34 cr)

Usage Notes

  • For economic goods, a plus sign indicates supply and a minus sign indicates demand.
  • You can hover over a good price to see its constituent dice rolls.
  • Contraband goods are twice as expensive.


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