Cinco: Treasure & Downtime
Okay so basically last Friday I was going to post about play procedures—the basic bitch shit for travel, exploration, and combat—but then I was like busy with nice real life things and didn't really care enough to post here. The truth is I wanted to participate in a blog bandwagon about economy shit just because I think it's fun? And the posts up until now were just to make it look like a coincidence? But again I don't really care enough to put the effort in to do that. I just care enough to write into the void and hit "publish". That being said, I am really happy with what I have going on with this. The campaign's goals aren't super oriented around treasure or money or stuff like that, but I think of it as like when you're playing Fall Guys (yeah) and you get special currency to spend on fun useless things. In this case, you don't really spend it on useless things, but it just feels fun and that’s more the point of it than anything else. Here...